
Request for Proposal (Business Incubator – Murzuq)

Contracting authority: SPARK & SUPER NOVAE

 Programme title: Libya Start-up! EU for an innovative start-up ecosystem in Libya

Components: Call for Proposal (Business Incubator – Murzuq‎)

CountryRegion: Libya 

Duration: 18 months 

The Libya Start-Up! programme, funded by the European Union and implemented in collaboration with Super Novae, aims to contribute to long-term business development in Libya. In close collaboration with private sector actors, regulatory authorities, government institutions, and CSOs, Libya Start-up! aims to support the emergence of a dynamic, innovative, and sustainable start-up ecosystem by enhancing business support structures and services dedicated to entrepreneurship and boosting youth skills.

The purpose of this call is to establish one business incubator in Murzuq, providing wide range integrated support services to young entrepreneurs, start-ups and prospective business initiatives, some of these services might include but not limited to training, networking events, mentorship and coaching sessions, all should be related to entrepreneurship and business development.

Contracting Authority


SPARK develops higher education and entrepreneurship so that young ambitious people are empowered to lead their post-conflict societies into prosperity. SPARK is a not-for-profit, non-political NGO with headquarters in Amsterdam and field offices in Southeast Europe, Africa, and the MENA region. Since 2012, SPARK has been developing a culture of entrepreneurship in Libya because the economy is struggling to transition from an oil-revenue and public sector-based economy, into one that encourages private sector growth. SPARK supports aspiring Libyan business owners, particularly women, with entrepreneurship training, business plan development and access to finance.

The purpose of this call is to establish one business incubator in Murzuq, providing wide range integrated support services to young entrepreneurs, start-ups and prospective business initiatives, some of these services might include but not limited to training, networking events, mentorship and coaching sessions, all should be related to entrepreneurship and business development.

SUPER NOVAE is a French non-profit organization specialising in youth empowerment in conflict-affected countries, with a focus on employability and entrepreneurship. Its founding members have long-standing experience in conflict-sensitive environments and benefit from a wide network of partners in the country. Super Novae combines the best of human brains with technological solutions to implement impact-oriented projects which can be monitored online in real-time. 

SPARK is looking for a partner to set up a business incubator in Murzuq, the future partner will receive grants to manage the incubator for 18 months as well as technical assistance.

The specific objectives of this call are:

  1. Promoting entrepreneurship in the area (through online and offline events).
  2. Developing an incubation program for young entrepreneurs, encompassing a variety of services. (Mentoring, access to finance, business training).

Who can apply?

  1. Be located and officially registered in Libya.
  2. Have experience in supporting entrepreneurs, women, and youth.
  3. Have sufficient technical, financial, and managerial capacity to absorb and manage EU grants.


At the end of this two years project the chosen applicant should reach the following targets:

– 30 Firm or individual used the incubators.

– 10 Professionals encompass experts and mentors

– 200 Youth targeted via (training, public events, lectures, etc)

Technical proposal :

Interested applicants should provide evidence of their capacity to implement the program. That must include:

  1. A description of the company, highlighting experience, in developing and implementing similar entrepreneurship and business incubator activities.
  2. Details of the content of the program.
  3. Profile and resume of the team.
  4. Budget.
  5. Business plan (how you are going to finance the project when EU funding is over).
  6. Potential plan to work with both public & private sectors and other stake holders.
  7. Pictures of the space where program will be hosted.
  8. If you think establishing an incubator in Murzuq is a good initiative, please state why. in terms of the perception for entrepreneurship in the area, current market size and potentials for startups & MSMEs and the role they play in private sector, please refer to a previous study or research conducted if any.

Proposal Language: English.

Selection process:

The proposal must be a maximum of 10 pages in addition to the annexes.

Applicants must send their Technical Proposal to before Thursday Aug 24th 2023.

Applicants will be short-listed based on experience, background, and clarity of the detailed plan, and contacts will be taken to finalize contents, periods, and financial offers.

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